339 - The Smorgasbord of Relationships
The latest smorgasbord
There are numerous versions of the relationship anarchy smorgasbord, but the version we’re discussing the most in this episode is version 5, which was updated by Maxx Hill in 2019.
The board is a way to determine what you and a partner want out of your relationship with each other.
“The relationship smorgasbord is meant for all types of relationships - platonic, familial, romantic, sexual, etc. - and is indeed meant to challenge and make clear exactly what we mean when we are using these descriptors.”
Some things to keep in mind:
Relationships are complex, and what might seem acceptable for someone in a friendship relationship might not be for someone else. The board helps clarify these things for each relationship you use it for.
It’s an excellent idea to adjust, add, and subtract things in the smorgasbord to suit your needs.
Adding the smorgasbord to your RADARs is another great idea, as is taking notes.
The smorgasbord doesn’t only have to be used for romantic relationships; it can be customized and used for any relationship you would like to use it for.