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494 - Can We Be Compassionate Towards One Penis Policies? Listener Q&A

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It’s Q&A time again!

We’re back with another Q&A episode! The listener questions we’re diving into today are:

  1. A lot of men who implement OPPs do so out of deep fear and lack awareness of the inner mechanics that are causing this fear. When listening to the podcast and reading different content, there is a strong (understandable) blanket disapproval of OPP that looks like “No. That’s messed up and you’re messed up for wanting it for all of these reasons.”. I think it would really help to talk about what causes men to want this, where the fear comes from, how to work through it, and what needs to be unpacked.

    Not Down With OPP.”

  2. “Something I have observed over the last few years is the development of many different labels and identities for sexuality, relationship style and gender.

    How important are labels and identity to each of you personally?

    What values do you think they have or might not have for society? Do they break apart communities and make stereotypes possible? Or are they necessary in order to fight discrimination and make differences visible? Do you think we will not need them anymore at some point or will they always be important?

    Philosophical Panda.”

  3. “I dated someone for 3 months then we deescalated to friendship as he wasn't in a commitment space and I was. We've kept some elements of physical intimacy, just stuff like I'll stroke his hair or we'll have a cuddle on the sofa. He's started dating again and I'm worried that he will not want or need that anymore as he'll have another source of intimacy. I am single and dating on and off so he's been my constant in that sense.

    Bothered in Bristol (UK).”

If you want your question to be answered on a future Q&A episode, consider becoming one of our Patreon supporters!

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