Posts tagged handling jealousy
428 - Unraveling Jealousy in Five Steps with Dr. Joli Hamilton

Are you ready to talk about jealousy again?! For today's episode we're joined by Dr. Joli Hamilton, the relationship coach for couples who color outside the lines. She is also a research psychologist, TEDx speaker, best-selling author, and AASECT certified sex educator. Joli also co-hosts the Playing with Fire podcast with her anchor partner, Ken. Joli’s been featured in The New York Times, Vogue, and NPR. She’s spent the past two decades studying and reimagining what love can be if we open our imaginations to possibility. Joli helps people create non-monogamous partnerships that are custom-built for their authentic selves, no more shrinking, pretending, or hiding required.

Today, Joli is here to talk about her research on jealousy and go in depth about her five step approach to managing it, along with some of her other tools and experience she uses in her practice. Find more about her on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter at @drjoli_hamilton, and at and

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394 - 50 Ways to Handle Jealousy - Part 1

Everyone in a consensually non-monogamous relationship gets asked the question, "How do you deal with the jealousy?" Even people who have practiced non-monogamy for years or who never expected to experience jealousy do experience it, so it's worth building a toolkit for yourself to break into when you need it. In today's episode we're discussing it by going over 26 different tools that can be used to help us handle jealousy when it comes up (and it will come up!). Stay tuned for next week when we'll go over the remaining 24!

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