Posts tagged escalating
493 - But What if I Want the Relationship Escalator?

Today, we're discussing the relationship escalator, which is often criticized in non-monogamous spaces. However, some non-monogamous folks may want the same milestones and journey that the relationship escalator provides, so today we're talking about what can happen if you're someone who wants to move up the escalator with a partner or partners. We'll be going over some pros and cons of the relationship escalator, some research about how quickly people tend to escalate in relationships, and how to navigate your journey if the relationship escalator is something you want in your life.

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374 - Friends to Lovers and Other Relationship Escalations

We've done episodes about de-escalating relationships or decoupling them, but this week we're talking about the opposite! We're discussing what it looks like when a relationship becomes more entangled, like going from friends to lovers, from friends with benefits to more romantic partners, etc., as well as the emotional, social, and logistical aspects of increasing our levels of entanglement with others.

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