Today we're chatting about romantic relationships, friendships, and the ways we often treat the two differently. Why do we think of our romantic partners as our most intimate and important connections, and yet sometimes don't treat them with the same respect and kindness we do our friends? We'll be talking about why we tend to do this and how we can foster more understanding in romantic relationships.
Read MoreWe talk a lot about handling breakups in romantic relationships, but we haven't talked much about friendship breakups. In this episode, we're discussing some reasons why friendships end, research and statistics on friendship breakups, whether or not reconciliation is appropriate or possible, and of course, how to get through the difficult experience of you and a friend parting ways.
Read MoreWe've done episodes about de-escalating relationships or decoupling them, but this week we're talking about the opposite! We're discussing what it looks like when a relationship becomes more entangled, like going from friends to lovers, from friends with benefits to more romantic partners, etc., as well as the emotional, social, and logistical aspects of increasing our levels of entanglement with others.
Read MoreIn this week's episode we explore the age old question, "Is it really possible to stay friends with an ex after a breakup?"
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